Marlon Marques

Bienvenue chez moi

Welcome to my personal website, in which I share my modest thoughts on software development and other mysteries of the universe.

I also enjoy helping beginners to stay motivated in their programming journey. About me.


Safety variable initialization in C++, finally!

  • 1 min read

C++ is getting a very interesting feature. It makes the initialization of trivial types (int, float, double, etc.) safe by default. This will only be available by default on C++26, but you can use it today via a special compilation flag.

Let’s take a closer look at how this all works. You may have seen code like this before:

int ii;
std::cout << ii;

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My 2023 reading (and listening) list

  • 2 min read

Dear World,

As the year draws to a close, I’ve taken a moment to list the books and audiobooks I’ve read and listened to. My goals are to briefly revisit the knowledge I’ve acquired and inspire a few people to have some great reads. After all, knowledge should be shared!

Disclaimer: I’m not a great fan of fiction when it comes to books. If that’s what you’re after, you might find this list a bit disappointing. These are primarily personal development books, but they’re definitely worth the read!

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The costs of dynamic polymorphism

  • ~1 min read

Hello World !

I stumbled upon two articles this week, which I would like to share with you. The first one is about final classes in C++, and the second about CRTP (curiously recurring template pattern).

These are short readings which may have huge implications, at least for me. They may give you new ideas for your code or allow you to revisit some important C++ concepts which are not always obvious.

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Goodbye Comma Operator, Goodbye

  • 2 min read

It’s always sad to see a feature that I extensively used being deprecated of your favorite programming language. Such a sad destiny, How could the gods of C++ have done this to me?

No, actually I’m just kidding. I’ve never used it in the way described below, and I guess no one ever has. Have you?

On on a more serious note, it’s nice to see the committee is doing some clean-up at least. Let go of the past we must, young Jedi.

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The Big Four in C++

  • ~1 min read

Although I’m still trying to get my head around C++17, discussions on C++20 are all over the place. It seems that our beloved language will gain some strong reinforcements next year.

I invite you to take a look at the following article by Rainer Grimm which briefly explains the Big Four of Thrash Metal C++20 (how cool a name is that?!).

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